Racing Overview

Racing is one module of the RacingSkeem system. To view current race meetings, make sure that the Race Meetings module is selected by clicking on it if it is not already selected.


This will show the Race Meetings tree next to it where specific race meetings and races can be selected by clicking on them. Click a second time on a race meeting that is collapsed to expand it.


Race Meetings from the date in the header will be displayed in the tree below. The starting date can be changed by clicking on it and selecting the desired date, whereupon all Race Meetings for the next 30 days from the selected date will be displayed.

Race Meetings that occur today are highlighted in bold and the next race that is due to start is also bold. A humanised description of the duration until the start of a race is displayed underneath the race time and this text will turn red when within five minutes of the start.

If a race meeting is highlighted in the tree, the Race Meeting View will be displayed, otherwise the Race View will be displayed if a race is selected.


There is a lot of information to show in one screen. It helps if you zoom your browser out to at least 80% (Ctrl+MouseWheel/Num+- on Windows)

RacingSkeem Features





  • Latest Odds with favourite and trend indicators
  • History and chart of odds movement with live update
  • View Tote Payouts as they become available